Shirley worked non stop along with me to get me settled into my new home. What a gal! And she did it in good humor as you can see in the next photo.

Monday was St. Patrick's Day. Shirley had brought two sets of funny head gear for us to wear for the day. I am Irish and I needed to be wearing green. Beth Michaelson came over with a wonderful picnic lunch for us to enjoy. She had everything... even Peligrino water and home made brownies...YUM. So many people have come over to welcome me and to help. I am feeling very loved and appreciated.

This is the view from my deck. It is so peaceful to sit out and look at the scenery. Below is Corte Madera Creek and then further out is Mt. Tam, a very special place to me. The other end of my deck is right by the top of a large oak tree. There are so many birds. My neighbor upstairs has a bird feeder and I get the benefit of his generosity by seeing all these little critters. My bathroom window opens onto the deck. Yesterday, as I sat on the throne a little Titmouse perched on the window. I said good morning. What a great way to start a day!
Sadly, I bid Shirley farewell yesterday. She is off visiting other friends. I will miss her deeply. The one thing that makes our parting bearable is that I know she will not let the distance affect our friendship. I got unlimited long distance on my phone and will be using it to stay in touch with my dear Jacksonville buddies.
Today, I'm off to Target to buy a bunch of stuff for my home.... this is the fun part... I need lamps as there are no overhead lights. Those of you who know me, know that I like lots of light. I had order a new lens for my glasses to the tune of $200! gasp.... I dropped my glasses and I have a big chip on the right lens.... It will take 2 weeks so I am walking around somewhat cock eyed for awhile.
I am writing this early in the morning. I am still waking up around 5 because I am too wound up to sleep later. Hopefully, that will change soon.
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