Friday, March 14, 2008

Austin update from Kate

Gardner and Joel rolled into Austin last night via Roswell to present me with a little alien spaceship and to dine with me at Trudy’s. We had the queso, which was decadent and delish. G & J are on their way to Joel’s next gig in Palacios.

Depending on their timing, I may take a weekend trip down there to check out the coast and visit them there. It was great to have my Napa buddy (although now she's my gypsy buddy) here and seeing my new (albeit still fairly empty) house. And I could offer the Winnebago road warrior Gardner the option of using my bathtub for a nice long soak, which she seemed to love. She actually had a Lush bath bomb at the ready!

They parked the "rig" in front of my house since SXSW is here and I guessed that an open campground spot for the RV might be hard to get. Hopefully my neighbors don’t think I’m going to do that regularly. My goal is to get the POD completely unloaded over this coming weekend and then that semi-eyesore can be removed and I can be a good citizen of my little hood again.

Long long week. Everyone seems to be thrown from the daylight savings switch. I know it threw me - even more so this year since I’d already scooted my time zone two hours from California. My poor body thinks it’s getting up at 4 a.m. No wonder I march zombie-like to the nearest Starbucks for that Americano every morning.

People at my work continue to be great. I’m feeling very glad about my choice to move here. Lulu seems to be digging it too. Her new doggie day care has very lovely people, although nothing could ever compare to Every Dog. I miss them.

Today it’s supposed to reach 90 degrees in Austin, breaking records. Crazy. I need to go shopping for cotton garments. That is, if I can find my iron in the boxes in the garage. Very jealous of mom and her fully inventoried move. :)

Tonight I'm having dinner with a work buddy who is out here from Washington DC.

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