Thursday, March 13, 2008

Fourth post from Ethiopia

Day 5, part 1
Today we finally both felt a lot better – I was given encouragement to drink lots of water and I think that was a big help.

We got up and decided to splurge on a real breakfast in the restaurant downstairs (I thought there was a breakfast that came with my room, but there is not). It was a fabulous spread, but at nearly $18 each, it was also the last time we’ll indulge in that. We had poached eggs with spinach, croissants, fresh fruit and yogurt, and delicious fresh coffee – Ethiopian of course.

Then we were off to visit Elsa at Toukoul (the orphanage). Our driver from the past 2 days was sick, so he sent his cousin, who was also super nice and very helpful.

Today we brought all our donations with us. It was fun pull all the giant bags out of the car and unload clothes and diaper pants and toys and bandaids and all kinds of other great stuff that generous people at home gave me to bring. The secretary at the orphanage was very happy.

Elsa was again very smilely and mellow, and again took a little nap on my chest.

We were able to meet with the head nurse and get Elsa’s feeding schedule and sleeping schedule. She also showed me how to make FaFa, which is a common Ethiopian baby cereal.

Elsa’s schedule goes like this:

6 a.m. she wakes up, eats FaFa
8 a.m. she eats 150 – 180 ml “Nan2” formula
9:30 she has some sun
10 – 11 nap
Noon she eats vegetable porridge “with protein like smashed fish, egg, meat or chicken”
1 – 3 p.m. nap
3 p.m. she eats 150 – 180 ml “Nan2” formula
7 p.m. she eats 150 – 180 ml “Nan2” formula
8 – 9 p.m. goes to sleep for the night
Midnight she is awakened to eat 150 – 180 ml “Nan2” formula (after this feeding, sleeps through to 6 am)

If this is true, it is pretty dreamy!!

We were also able to see the baby room and Elsa’s crib.
It was great to see Elsa with her nannies and the nurse – they are so affectionate with her, and she is so happy with them.

Elsa with her nurse - Elsa has a scratch on her nose with ointment on it - just in case you thought it was a booger, it is not.

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