Sunday, September 28, 2008

Water lily studies

Went out Saturday morning with a little group from "Plein Air Austin" and painted. So good to get the brushes out and get into the painting rhythm again. I did a couple little studies, each about an hour. Had some frustrations with paint consistency, since I had run out of turpenoid so was using "turp natural" which is NOT a good thinner, makes the paint very slick and strange. But did the best I could with that weirdness. Actually very happy with the results.

Also got a really nice email yesterday from Susan G, for whom I'd done a cat portrait a couple of years ago. She was recommending me to a friend and basically the friend now wants to buy a commissioned portrait of her dog, so yay! The friend, Victoria, had been bidding on this year's MSW auction item and was outbid at the last minute. Not only can I really use the moulah, but it's great for my artist-ego and building that confidence.

Shortly after I got that email, I got one from a member of the Plein Air Austin group saying that she "couldn't stop looking" at my lily paintings - what a stellar compliment that was, and from an artist whose work I admire too.

It's interesting to me how these things popped up right after I made a conscious decision to focus on my art life and think about what I want out of it all, what my goals are, what would make me feel successful. I hope it's another one of those indicators that it's really true about how things grow when you pay attention to them.

Also created a blog that has just artwork on it, without any distractions, bitching, moaning, personal tidbits, so I can point people to that and it looks more professional.

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Sunday, September 14, 2008

Flowers from Porter

Here are the beautiful flowers that appeared in my office on Thursday thanks to my thoughtful sis. Enjoyed a mellow birthday on Friday and hunkered down preparing for a storm that never was (at least never was in Austin.)

Got lovely cards and other thoughtful things from Mom, Gardner, Susan, Laura. Feel so popular!!

I went around the office on Friday saying, "Yeah I look pretty good for 80."

Saturday, September 13, 2008

A New "Toy" for my Deck

It is a challenge to have plants on my deck as the sun does not reach down to the floor... I found this wonderful plant stand that will lift up the plants to the sun. It has a shelf on which I placed my bird seed and water for birds to drink and "bathe". The metal is the same color as my little wire fence that I love. I put heather into the pots, two lilac and one white....

It was fun to go to the West Side Nursery, a favorite of ours during the years when we actually had gardens to plant and flowers to grow. I do miss getting my hands in the dirt. Having a few pots of flowers and plants helps.

My deck opens from two rooms, I have a big sliding glass door that leads out the the deck from my bedroom. I am very grateful to have this deck and the beautiful views that transport me to the creek and mountains beyond my railings. And I love sitting in my chair in my bedroom in the mornings and watching all the birds come for breakfast and a shower or two.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Could not resist the sock monkeys!

Well, luckily for me, God loves me despite my defects since I have once again been tempted to put a bid in for a "tribe" of sock monkeys on eBay. But how could I resist? Look at them:

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

visit to the pediatrician

Elsa has an ear infection. Her first. :-(

But, the good news is that she is now on antibiotics and should feel better soon.

In other good news, she continues to be ginormous:

  • height: 30.5 inches (90th percentile)
  • weight: 23.3 pounds (50-75th percentile)
  • giant melon circumference: I forget the exact measurement, but it’s 90th percentile