Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Happy Elsa at Rosie's Cowboy Cafe

We drove up to Point Reyes Station and had some lunch today - Porter, Elsa and me. It was a gorgeous, sunny day and Elsa was a happy girl.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Saturday, April 12, 2008

little aliens

little aliens
Originally uploaded by pamplemousse2007
Felt great today to finally find my paints, brushes, even enough turpenoid (naughty naughty, I must have packed it in the POD) to actually get the painting gears in motion again today.

I’ve been in this mode of “one thing at a time”, especially with bringing things into the house. And it definitely keeps it more simple for me and enables me to know where everything is. Less confusing, less overwhelming. So anyhow, I brought in just one “big canvas” size box. I knew it had Clare’s rollercoaster painting in it and I hung that right away.

It also had this 30″ x 30″ canvas that Porter gave me. She’d started a painting on it but didn’t love it, so (along with several others) donated it to me. It used to depict a rowing oar above the water. Since this was the one available, unpacked painting surface, I’ve been able to noodle on that for the last week and just yesterday started seeing these circles I wanted to ’start growing’ out of the oar. Then I imagined some kind of scraggily, eery arms too. I wanted the lines to organically tell me “what next” and I think they did.

I also just wanted to make shapes and colors that I would want to look at, without worrying if it I was accomplishing anything beyond that. Quite relaxing, that approach.

Thanks, Porter, for the start of this painting!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Exciting news from Texas

Hello family,
Well, I know I've been a bit quiet on this blog for a bit but just wanted to make sure everything was all official before I shared my big news!
I am pregnant with twins.
Yes, on the down-low last year, as Porter began her paperwork to adopt, I researched sperm banks and found one that specialized in donations from Ethiopian PhD candidates who also were regular church attenders.
So I'm proud to be bringing Elsa's new niece and nephew into this world in about 7 months from now.
Thanks in advance for all of your love and support.