Sunday, January 6, 2008

small update

I spoke to the program director at my adoption agency and asked how long it would be before I find out the all-important court date (for becoming Elsa's legal parent).

She said it may be a few weeks before I know my court date - we are going into a period on the Ethiopian calendar a couple of big holidays (Christmas in Ethiopia is on January 7th, with most offices closed for the full week, then on January 19th is one of the biggest holiday events in Ethiopia, "Timket", or Epiphany). As a result, things are slowing down quite a bit.

I asked how many a "few" weeks is, and she said it could be 4 to 6 weeks (on the long side).

In more promising news, I MAY be getting some additional photos soon...

I'll keep y'all posted as I get info!

1 comment:

Elizabeth B Merriman said...

Nary a complaint or a whine in this post. Congrats.. I am proud of you being able to keep your promises to yourself...