Friday, January 25, 2008

Court Date!

Happy news!! Today I got a call from the adoption agency to tell me I finally have a court date!!! Woo Hoo!!

It's February 22nd.

I won't be there, of course, but the attorney who is representing me will appear in court in Addis Ababa and ask that my adoption be granted. So please mark Feb 22nd on your calendars and pray/chant/cross your fingers that the judge will deem me worthy of adopting this little muffin.

If I'm lucky, the judge will finalize the adoption that very day.

Lately, MOST people's adoption petitions have been granted, but about 20% of the time, the judge asks for an additional piece of paperwork, or the file is incomplete, and the case is continued. So, if I am unlucky, I'll get rescheduled for a subsequent date (usually within a few weeks).

In any event, once the adoption is finalized, I will be traveling about month afterward...

Very exciting stuff, indeed.


Elizabeth B Merriman said...

I will pray, cross my fingers and do a dance.... that all will go well and soon Elsa will be coming home with her mom.

gmotherbear said...

Dances Chants Songs Prayers Jigs Operas about beautiful girls Cartwheels (who can do THOSE?) all for Elsa and her wonderful Portermom! How exciting ! When the adoption is final when do you go to be with your daughter?? OXOGMB Papa