Friday, October 24, 2008

bad aunt kate

OK, so Aunt Kate has been kind of a crappy communicator lately, so I thought I'd just give y'all a few newsy bits here and try to use that telephone thing over the weekend to chat with people in person too.

About 2 weeks ago - read a magazine article about autism and healing that brain injury with a gluten- and casein-free diet. Somehow this hit a nerve for me and I was motivated to get off wheat and dairy again, which, since I was already being vegetarian, just made me a wheat-free vegan, basically.

Ordered a couple of vegan cookbooks, because, hey, what's a new thing without books to go with it?! Have now read all of "Vegan Freak," "Vegan with a Vengeance", "Skinny Bitch", "Skinny Bitch in the Kitch" and "How it All Vegan." Very motivating!

Very soon started feeling much more clear, able to focus, out of 'the fog.' It's just amazing... and good.

Found a local Austin vegan group and will probably go to one of their potlucks soon.

Things are going well at work (got some higher-visibility projects), and I've found 2 program buddies at work too: one with just 30 days (who I actually brought to their first meeting, what an honor) and one with 26 years. So I'm bookended! Went with the new person to a meeting last night to celebrate and collect a chip for her.

Signed up to work at our client-facing conference so I can meet some of these customers myself, especially the ones for favorite organizations like Humane Society, PETA, and ASPCA.

Read a great book, "The White Tiger", which just won the Booker Mann prize. I highly recommend it for a fun but thought-provoking read.

It's finally cooler here, thank HEAVEN, although it's now dark when I have to get out of bed. Grumble.

Got a flu shot, which our work was nice enough to arrange for us to get from nurses who came right to the office.

Voted yesterday for THAT ONE at my local Randall's market, which is just the Texas version of Safeway. Saw several "red state" people in line, so worried that my vote was being canceled out repeatedly.

Tomorrow morning I'm going out painting with the Plein Air Austin group. One of the members actually owns a ranch where they raise Longhorn cattle and we get to go there! Can't wait to paint a real live Longhorn!!

Sunday, I'm hoping to work some more on the Dede portrait and then I just joined a book club that a coworker and her sister started and they meet up at 4 pm. The theme for the food is "Disney" (since the book was The Last Lecture) and I'm still not quite sure what my dish will be - probably a vegan cold salad from Whole Foods with a Tinkerbell decoration on top of it, knowing me and my schedule.

Well, that's it from the lone star state!


Elizabeth B Merriman said...

Wow, Kate, what a great update... hmmmmm,it rhymed.

So good to hear all of your news. Nancy has joined me in the vegan eating life style and she has had some wonderful changes in how she feels and her new body that is evolving. I use your vegan cookbook you gave me. Tonite, I went to a church pot luck and brought a white bean hummus dip from Trader Joes along with lots of blanched veggies and pita crackers. Every one loved it. I chose to pass up the main course of stew in a pumpkin which looked very festive but there was plenty of other stuff to eat.

I am so happy to hear from you.... I miss you and it is good to know that you are doing well. HUGS OMA3

ferenge mama said...

awesome update - muchas gracias!!

sounds like you are doing really really well.