Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Exciting news from Texas

Hello family,
Well, I know I've been a bit quiet on this blog for a bit but just wanted to make sure everything was all official before I shared my big news!
I am pregnant with twins.
Yes, on the down-low last year, as Porter began her paperwork to adopt, I researched sperm banks and found one that specialized in donations from Ethiopian PhD candidates who also were regular church attenders.
So I'm proud to be bringing Elsa's new niece and nephew into this world in about 7 months from now.
Thanks in advance for all of your love and support.


ferenge mama said...

Congratulations! I can't wait to meet Cinderella Ruth and B. Bob Merriman!!!

Kate Merriman said...

Unless they are boys, in which case you might be meeting Gloucester Marlboro and Skinny.

Elizabeth B Merriman said...

For a moment I took this seriously and then I remembered it is April Fool's Day. You really got me for a moment... tee hee.

Kate Merriman said...

OK, just to make sure we're all calm, this was definitely an April Fool's Day post.

The only children I want (right now) are furry and four-legged. And I already have the perfect child for me in that category.