Sunday, November 15, 2009

Our autumn moment

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Monday, November 2, 2009

Elsa's First Halloween Parade

Oh Happy Day, I am in the Halloween Parade and I see OMA watching, here I am Oma...

Aren't I cute my Tiger "Wild Thing" costume?

WAIT.... I don't want to make another circle ...
Oma is here and I want to hang out with her....

Extreme sadness cannot be soothed by my teacher !

And NOW they want me to pose for a class (The "2"s photo).
Is there no end to this ordeal?

Having said all of this for Elsa, the good news is that she recovered quickly from her Parade trauma and happily told me about the parade later with a big smile.
Oh, the resilience of the young.

It was fun to go to her first parade and I almost cried, too!